ACCA is a certification course that enhances the scope of the career of students interested in pursuing professional courses in finance and accounting. This certification gives them an edge over other accounting professionals in terms of job positions and salary packages.
ACCA-certified professionals are highly regarded in multiple sectors and industries by employers globally and have an edge in acquiring jobs in the international market. Being recognized in over 180 countries, ACCA members are employed in top-class finance and accounting companies globally.
ACCA exams are designed rigorously to test the knowledge of students in each subject of their choice. To succeed in ACCA exams, students must attempt the papers well and avoid making certain mistakes during the exam. In this post, we are discussing some common ACCA exam mistakes that students should avoid.
ACCA Exams: Mistakes to Avoid
ACCA is a prestigious and professional course that can be pursued at a cost-effective price. Students willing to gain ACCA membership must complete the certification within the stipulated time duration. Students must be careful while writing the ACCA exam and avoid mistakes to clear the exam successfully.
Below are some common mistakes to avoid during ACCA exams:
Mistakes Before Exam
Below are some mistakes that students must avoid before the ACCA exam:
- Students generally make the mistake of neglecting ACCA exam preparation and the exam structure. They assume ACCA to be an easy certification that can be completed without much effort.
- Students also made the mistake of not managing their time well before the exam and relying on last-minute exam preparations.
- Many students surrender to exam stress, which makes them forget what they have studied.
- Not creating a planned study method is another significant mistake to avoid during ACCA preparation.
- Not revising the curriculum before the exam is again a mistake that some students make
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Mistakes During the Exam
- Not practicing past exam papers and not planning the ways to attempt the ACCA paper is a crucial mistake. Students should first attempt to answer the mark-based questions and refrain from spending too much time on questions that have fewer marks.
- Unnecessarily lengthening an answer and beating around the bush rather than answering the question directly is another mistake that students should avoid.
- Writing an answer without understanding the meaning of the question is a common mistake to avoid. Students should be able to understand what is asked to answer appropriately. You should be clear about the difference between “describe” and “define” and so on.
- Students should know where they are required to give theoretical answers and where they need to present answers based on practical scenarios.
- Not staying calm and relaxed while attempting to answer the questions during the ACCA exam is another mistake that many students tend to make.
Mistakes After Exam
There are 13 papers in total that students are required to attempt during their ACCA exams. Once they complete the exam, they can see the results within 72 hours on the official website. Below are some mistakes to avoid after attempting the exam:
- Avoid being negligent about your paper and try to learn from your mistakes. You should re-check your ACCA exam to improve your scores in future attempts (if any).
- Avoid neglecting the examiner's report.
- In case of a low score try to seek support from ACCA preparation courses and guidance to avoid making the same mistakes again.
- Avoid the mistake of not applying immediately for a re-sitting if you fail a paper