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10 Effective Ways to Automate and Grow Your Business

8 April 2024, 12:14 pm IST

Following the growth in the tech sector and the inclusion of more robust tools, business process automation has been on the rise for the past few years. The global industrial automation rate further reflects a potential surge of 9% from 2020 to 2025, implying the oncoming growth of the business automation industry. From a change as small as implementing automatic mailers to implementing mechanical replacements for mundane tasks, businesses are leveraging automation to significantly boost their processes.

So, whether you want a warehouse management system or a biometrically attested attendance record, they are all a part of business automation.

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What is business process automation?

Business process automation is a way of upscaling your business. Most business establishments prefer automation these days, and the exceptions are fast catching up. The ways to automate business can look different for every company, ranging from customisable and consumer-specific methods. However, there are a few basic ways to automate your business that are uniform across the globe.

Hoping to reap the business process automation benefits? Keep reading to learn more!

Why should you opt for business process automation?

It is satisfying to see tedious, time-consuming tasks become a breeze, and this is what business process automation promises with its implementation across different work areas.

If your business,

  • Requires an overwhelming database on a regular basis.
  • Runs remote business operations
  • Requires warehouse management
  • Demands mass marketing campaigns
  • Needs stable connectivity with potential clients,

-business process automation can be a great fit to strengthen your businesses. Let’s dive in to explore how business processes can be automated to catalyse organisational productivity and overall business growth.

How to automate business processes?

Check out these ten effective ways to automate your business and determine what works for you.

Identifying areas requiring automation

Before venturing into automation, it is essential to first identify which part of the business requires automation. Not all parts can function without human intervention. High-value tasks and emotionally engaging tasks do not work well with automation.

Automate manual repetitive tasks

Repetitive tasks that take up long hours can exhaust manpower and increase the probability of errors. Automation plays a key role in diverting manual attention to more important tasks and saving time.

Fine-tune your business process before automating

Breaking down the business into smaller, more comprehensible parts allows lucid job delegation. The smaller chunks of tasks undergo assessment, then assigned to the right automation process for a better outcome.

Set up a centralised database

Automation is useful for collecting data and creating an accessible and organised database. It provides accurate and updated data across all platforms in the business for transparency and communication.

Focus on high-value tasks and leave the rest to the machines

Low-value, repetitive tasks are time-consuming and run the risk of errors. Machines are best suited for tasks of this kind, while employees can take on decision-making, creative and emotional calls for the business. Additionally, employees should supervise the automated process instead of participating in a conflict of interest.

Connect with your team

Business automation also involves creating a sound network. You can schedule meetings, set reminders and reach out to your team members without addressing them individually in a meeting. This is a time-saving, hassle-free option for the employer and employee.

Set up automated marketing campaigns

Emails, social media marketing, and text messages fall under this category. Instead of typing out separate emails for each customer, you can send out personalised mass emails from the information present in your database. This can also help in retrieving customer preferences to boost sales and reach out to potential customers.

Automate hiring and onboarding

Picking out the right candidate involves much more than reviewing their skillset. On the other hand, filtering the best ones from a mass submission of resumes is tedious. This is where automation steps in.

An automated onboarding process gives new employees a better grip on task execution, as both ends have strong communication with each other.

Secure your confidential data

In the era of cloud data storage, sensitive data is at risk of theft and misuse. Using automated security applications stores your data away from prying eyes.

Review your business with data analysis

Data may equate to power in the world of business. The data collected from customers and marketing initiatives are powerful tools with the potential to predict preferences, trends and new ways to generate revenue. Applications can collect data and statistically evaluate them to forecast business trends.

Delegate tasks efficiently using your database

Automation does not require employees to be directly involved in the task. However, it does require human proctoring. The database is the key to a successful business. Database analysis can provide valuable insights by showing the cracks in the business model and pointing toward a possible solution. The next step is to resolve each problem specifically.

Automated business processes give your businesses the boost it demands to reach greater heights. It prepares your brand for the future heading towards mass automation.

What are the benefits of an automated business process?

If you are still sceptical about business automation, look at the business automation benefits listed below.

  • Time-saving

    Business process automation reduces the time required to execute repetitive tasks. It can also be useful for working with a huge amount of data and processing it with precision.

  • Better resource management

    Automated business processes uncover the overlooked aspects of a business that require attention. Employees can focus on other ways to improve business when machines take up tedious tasks. Some of these areas include decision-making, creative endeavours and emotional engagement for interactive sessions.

  • Scalability

    Business automation processes are scalable. Hence, one automated process could work on ten cases and ten thousand cases without exhaustion or the probability of error. These applications or machines are versatile in case of quantifiable work. This is particularly helpful if you are operating a large business.

  • Organised database

    A sound database is beneficial in a number of ways. By automating your data collection and storage system, you can retrieve data anytime. This is particularly useful for organisations with individual clients, mostly in retail.

  • Better client outreach

    Automation simplifies marketing campaigns like mailers, promotional content and social media marketing. It is also convenient to extract client messages from the database and compose messages accordingly than sending out a generalised message. It also overcomes the tediousness of composing messages manually and picking out potentially interested clients.

  • ### Better turnover The ultimate goal of automating business processes is to churn out better revenue. The resources saved by automation add up in the end. The initial investment may seem intimidating, but the returns are positive.

The benefits may differ according to the company, but the final product desired is always an increase in revenue.

Preparing for Business Process Automation

The transition to an automated business may be daunting for some. To make the transition smooth, you can try sticking to the following activities in the workplace.

  • Create a team
  • Organise Q&A sessions
  • Encourage active changes
  • Treat it like a learning curve
  • Get creative

If learning the ways of automated business interests you, check out some great online courses like BCA with a specialisation in Data Analytics or BCA with a specialisation in Cloud and Security. Or, if you are a pro, you can opt for MCA with a specialisation in Blockchain.

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Business process automation is a small step compared to the technological leap we are taking into the future. It is not extravagance but necessity. We are already deep into the technological chasm with regard to automation, and we hardly realise it. The virtual calendar we use to schedule a meeting, or the collaborative project on the cloud, are all part of automation. However, you must do a lot more to grow your business.

If you are interested in learning the revolutionary blend of technology and business, Amity University Online can assist you with in-demand skills and experience. Candidates are open to choosing Finance and tech specialisations, pursuing them at their own pace.

Aspirants can go for MCom with a specialisation in Fintech or apply to a more technology-based course like BCA with a specialisation in Data Analytics or BCA with a specialisation in Cloud and Security. If you want to step up in the industry, you may like MCA with a specialisation in Blockchain.

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