Assess why Public Financial Management (PFM) is important and how it functions
Discuss key concepts from budget preparation, to government accountability in budget execution, and reform implementation.
Explore the topics through interactive resources & presenters from countries at different stages of economic development.
Gain an opportunity to engage with fellow participants from around the world, and with course staff through the discussion forum
Test your understanding of key concepts, assessments allowing you to track the progress of your understanding.
Bring together the different aspects of how governments should manage their money, and deliver public services using the case study.


Effort: 10 to 11 hrs per week
Why PFM is an important tool to implement public policies.
How to describe and analyse the budget cycle, and its main components.
How PFM systems contribute to improved fiscal performance.
The benefits of fiscal transparency, fiscal reporting, and management of fiscal risks.
How civil society, public participation and supreme audit institutions keep governments accountable.
The importance of prioritization and sequencing PFM reforms, and the roles of political institutions and country context.
Overview and Introduction of Financial Management
Financing Decisions
Capital Budgeting
Working Capital Management
Dividend Policy Decisions

CERTIFICATION: Amity Online + edX Partner University : International Monetary Fund

Professional Certificate in Financial Management
What is the government budget cycle? How should governments prepare policy-oriented budgets? How to hold governments accountable? Learn from an IMF team who advises on budget management and hear testimonies from ministers of finance and civil society.
Amity Online + edX Partner University: International Monetary Fund